Welcome to Eta Omega Omega Chapter
of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ©
2022 Wheeler, Wilson & Johnson
Community Projects, Incorporated
Scholarship Description & Criteria
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Digital Application Submission
Our 2022 Scholarship Application Process is CLOSED. Thank You for all applications.
Submission Process and Associated Dates
The Wheeler, Wilson and Johnson Community Projects Scholarships are designed to provide scholarships to high school seniors, graduating and entering college.
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
A written/ digitally submitted application (including an essay)
Two written recommendations (one from a school official/one from community leader or workplace employer)
School Official Form
Official High School Transcript
Community Service
Academic Performance
Extra-curricular Activities and Work Experience
Application Presentation
For digital submission, please make sure the following are completed before starting the application process:
Typed Essay (Please see essay question in Additional Forms)
Two written recommendations
School Official Form
Official High School Transcript
Extra-curricular Activities, Community Service, and Work Experience Form
The Scholarship will be awarded to applicants who fit the requirements of the scholarship on the basis of the application package and the personal interview.
by, Friday, May 6, 2022.
Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Scholarship Finalists will be notified no later than May 21, 2022 to present themselves for a personal interview before the scholarship committee.
The scholarship recipients MUST attend the Final Rites of Passage Ceremony event on TBA.
To submit by mail, please send application along with required submission forms to:
Wheeler, Wilson and Johnson Community Projects, Inc.
Attn: Marie Peterson, Scholarship Chairman
P.O. Box 296
Bronx, NY 10469
To digitally submit online, please click to the online application link above. You will be asked to upload additional forms needed for complete submission, towards the end of the application. Additional forms can be found in the last section of this page.
2022 Scholarships' Description & Criteria
1. Wheeler, Wilson and Johnson HBCU Scholarship: 1 year - $ 3,000.00
Preference maybe given for Bronx residency or attending High School in the Bronx
Is attending an Historically Black College or University (HBCU) for the 2022-2022 school year
Is actively involved in community service
Applying for financial aid in addition to receiving this scholarship
2. Eta Omega Omega Rites of Passage Scholarship: 1 year - $3,000.00
Has successfully completed the WWJ Rites of Passage Program
Is actively involved in community service
Attending a four-year college or university in the Fall of 2022 school year
Applying for financial aid in addition to receiving this scholarship
3. Dorothy Sharpe-Hart Memorial Scholarship: 1 Year - $1,000.00
Has an Individualized Education Plan
Actively involved in community service
Applying for financial aid in addition to receiving this scholarship
4. Former Presidents' Scholarship : 1 Year - $1,000.00
Is attending a community/ junior college or trade school
Actively involved in community service
Applying for financial aid in addition to receiving this scholarship
**** Bessie Johnson Memorial Scholarship: $ 500.00 :
Awarded to the student with the highest overall average of all recipients of the above four scholarships.
Additional Scholarship Forms
Overall Application (For mail in submission)- Word Format
Overall Application (For mail in submission)- PDF Format
School Official Form
2022 Essay Question
Extracurricular Activities, Community Service, and Employment Information Form